Have you ever been caught out in a car that has run out of petrol? I have, it really sucks.
We’ve made it to the final month of 2021 of what has been a challenging year for all. This past week, almost everyone I’ve interacted with has echoed some kind of sentiment of “I am running on empty”. We are all longing for a break, an opportunity to rest and re-fuel. I know I am.
Fuel Collective is a bit of an unusual name for a business all about relationships but the name came about after realising a handful of ideas that all had one thing in common - a need for fuel.
A relationship ends when it runs out of fuel and the willingness to re-fuel is gone.
Each year Nath and I take a whole day to make a Game Plan for the year ahead, we set individual goals, shared goals and make a plan for our next 365 days. We are doing it tomorrow!
The Fuelled Up Life and Relationship methodology was developed after Nath and I examined our last 4-5 Annual Game Plan Days and figured out what were the consistent themes we talked about each and every year.
We went back through notes, calendars and post-its and defined eight key areas. We then talked to our friends, relationship experts and peers and it seems everyone has these same eight areas of their relationship and lives. Then we realised that when one of these eight is running on empty for an extended period of time, it creates pain, discomfort and sometimes even a breakdown or break up.
Much like a marathon runner needs food and a car needs petrol, there are 8 areas in our relationships and lives that need Fuel.
Fuel in the shape of meaningful contribution, conversations, time, energy and resources.
And what if there was a collective of people all committed to fuelling up their tanks?
I imagine Better Relationships and a Better World.
As the year comes to a close and you hopefully have a moment on the horizon to re-fuel, whatever that looks like for you, I’d love to invite you to pop the hood and check your tanks, all eight of them and figure out which ones need re-fuelling. And what will that fuel look like?
The end game isn't to have all eight full all the time, more about never letting any one tank run completely dry.
So that you aren’t a confused mechanic with the hood popped but no idea what to look for, we’ve developed a handy tool to help you check your tanks in under 10 minutes. You can do that here.
If pen and paper is more your style, jot down each of the 8 tanks, take a moment to reflect and then rank each tank outta 10.
A Fuelled Up Life
Self - Your relationship with yourself sets the tone for every other relationship you have
Romantic Relationship - Love is the best thing we do
Relationships & Network - If you want to go fast go alone, if you want to go far, go with others
Humming Household - How your life feels is more important than how it looks
Career & Business - Opportunities don't happen, you create them
Wealth & Lifestyle - Life either happens by design or default, you choose
The World - The secret to living is giving
The Future - The future isn't waiting for us, it's created by us
And if you want to go all in on checking your tanks and then making your own Game Plan for 2022, you can grab our agenda, checklists, templates and conversation prompts here for just $27.
Sammi Jaeger
50% Complete
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