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The Annual Game Plan - Make the most of your next 365 days

It's not too late to start planning your year. You get to decide how the next 365 days go.

The Annual Game Plan Agenda unpacks how Sammi & Nathan Jaeger plan their year. They talk you through the exact agenda they use to make sure they are living a life by design and not default. Along with tools, templates and extra resources.

So if you want...

  • To get organised this year

  • To get on the same page as Bae 

  • To create a big picture of your life and where you are going

  • To get clear on what matters and what doesn't

  • To stop forgetting what you've got on and where you need to be

You need The Annual Game Plan. 

Inside the Annual Game Plan you get

  • 8 Video Lessons

  • Digital Workbook with Activities

  • An agenda and framework to help you plan your next 365 days

  • Tools to help you understand where you are and where you want to go

  • A plan to schedule your calendar and time

  • Cash in & Out Template

  • Vision Board Template

Quick Q's

  • The lessons will take one hour to watch all videos

  • We recommend taking 7-8hrs to host your own Annual Game Plan day with Bae

  • You get access as soon as you order